Health and Wealth Bulgaria is a place for practitioners and consultants to explore innovative practice and policies that enhance both health and wealth outcomes.

The H&W Ltd. Bulgaria, co-founded and managed by Anelia Nikolova and Dr. Plamen L.Dimitrov, RODC

brings together practitioners, consultants, advocates, and researchers from the fields of health, financial, and management capability, and beyond to generate ideas, programs, and partnerships to share solutions addressing disparities in health and wealth.

We will explore how to advance medical financial partnerships that address financial and health outcomes concurrently, innovations in research at the intersections of health and wealth, and shared policy priorities and advocacy opportunities.

Let’s work together and break down siloes across sectors to identify interventions and policies that make our communities healthier and wealthier.

Join the Health and Wealth Partners today to collaborate with others committed to improving community financial, physical, and mental health

For more information, contact Dr.Plamen L. Dimitrov, RODC:

Health & Wealth Bulgaria
